CAD Software You Should Consider Using

Construction Software

In the world of design, construction and manufacturing, CAD software is no longer optional, which is why failing to use it on your own puts you significantly behind everyone else. Not only does this boost the efficiency of a designer but also actively improves the quality of the design. Apart from this, it also records everything and facilitates communication between various parties on the same project. Most importantly, aside from the price, there's really no disadvantage to using this method, as opposed to a traditional pen and paper technique. All in all, opting for a CAD software can systemically improve your business. Here are several of the best CAD tools currently on the market for you to choose from.

1.      SketchUp Pro

This particular tool is probably the simplest CAD there is. Combined with the fact that it has a trial version, SketchUp is commonly used even by those who aren't professional designers. For instance, a person who's interesting in a minor remodel of their home might download and register for this tool in order to get some quick visuals on what the end result will look like. Needless to say, this tool is both optimized for 2D and 3D modeling and tutorials for both are fairly numerous online (especially on YouTube). Keep in mind, nonetheless, that just because this tool is beginner friendly, it doesn't mean that it can't or shouldn't be used by professional. With so many advanced features, it really gives you a lot of options to choose from.

2.      Autodesk Fusion 360

Designer desk

The thing that's so revolutionary about the amazing Autodesk Fusion 360 is the way in which it combines your entire product development process in a single network. Due to the fact that this network is cloud-based, it provides users with a greater access, more flexible control and some invaluable insights on the project in question.Aside from this, it also gives one a full access to various online resources, as well as connects one with a well-developed community. Here, one can find all the training materials and technical support they need. It's also important to mention that this particular tool comes equipped with support for more than several languages, which might expand its user base and make it more available on foreign markets. All in all, this is definitely a tool worth keeping an eye out on.

3.      SolidWorks

While solid works are almost a household name for anyone who knows anything about CAD, there are some new features coming out in 2018, that might make this software even more suitable for use. Namely, both of the above-listed software work on Windows and Mac, however, SolidWorks invested an extra effort to make its tool touch-optimized. Another improved feature is the one regarding the drawing, which was achieved by tweaking the 3D model views, layer support for cross-hatching and much, much more.The downside of SolidWorks is usually its stellar price, yet, this tool also comes in three versions (Academia, Entrepreneurs and Startups and Enterprise), which come at a different price. This might give you a chance to both customize your CAD experience, as well as find a solution that can fit your budget in a much more efficient manner.

In conclusion

The main reason not to use CAD, for the majority of people, lies in the fact that they've never used it before. Needless to say, CAD is quite easy to both learn and use. Other than this, they often list the cost as a major con, yet, this is due to the fact that they refuse to see it as an investment that always yields a positive ROI. Once you make this minor shift in your mindset, the world of both 2D and 3D design will become much less hostile.

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